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6 Steps to Mastering Contingent Shift Worker Management: Focus on UK and Ireland

Magnit | July 3 2024

While contingent shift workers offer organisations unprecedented flexibility, cost optimisation and timely sourcing is often a challenge. Many companies struggle with both a lack of visibility into this workforce and an absence of consistent hiring and management processes, making it difficult to achieve operational efficiency, cost control and high-quality service delivery.

In this ebook, you’ll discover how to:

  • Optimise Costs: Utilise new strategies to significantly reduce expenses
  • Enhance Visibility: Leverage analytics for a clearer workforce picture and smarter planning
  • Accelerate Sourcing: Expand access to talent and streamline hiring
  • Mitigate Risk: Ensure compliance and eliminate potential pitfalls

Download the ebook now to transform your contingent shift worker management, unlock cost savings opportunities, and realise the full potential of your workforce!

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