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Magnit - NelsonHall NEAT Evaluation for CWS and MSP 2024

April 15 2024

As the labor market continues to fluctuate, organizations are looking for ways to optimize their contingent workforce programs while remaining flexible. Many are turning to managed service providers (MSP) and contingent workforce service (CWS) providers to help them source, develop and retain talent, but need more information to determine the best partner to suit their needs.

NelsonHall’s Vendor Evaluation & Assessment Tool (NEAT) analyzes CWS and MSP service providers to help organizations in assessing vendors’ capabilities across various criteria. In addition to offering an overview of the vendor market, the assessment delves into evaluation categories including:

  • Delivery and presence
  • Benefits achieved and momentum
  • Ability to meet future CWS and MSP needs
  • Ongoing offerings development, and more

Download NelsonHall’s NEAT Evaluation for CWS and MSP for strategic insights to empower your organization to choose the solution best suited to meet your unique contingent workforce needs. 

Download the Report Now!