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Magnit – SIA VMS Global Landscape & Differentiators 2022 Report

February 7 2023

To stay resilient during growing market uncertainty, many companies are turning to vendor management systems (VMS) to manage their non-traditional workforce. The right VMS can help your organization achieve cost savings, increase program efficiencies and attract top talent – but how do you know which solution is best for your organization?

The Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA) VMS Global Landscape & Differentiators 2022 Report details the currents state of contingent workforce management, how a VMS can help organizations in this evolving landscape, and what to consider when examining provider strengths and weaknesses.

Key topics include:

  • VMS global market trends 
  • Provider landscape overview
  • Traditional and emerging benefits of a VMS
  • Provider evaluations across various criteria

This year’s report evaluated 17 providers across seven major categories. Magnit received an overall score of “Best Imaginable” in each category, making it the only provider to achieve this benchmark. 

Download SIA’s 2022 VMS Global Landscape report for insights to help you choose the best solution for your organization’s contingent workforce needs.

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