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White Paper

Leveraging Five-Star Data to Drive Massive Cost Savings

April 26 2022

As the work world continues to evolve, talent becomes more geographically dispersed, and top talent becomes even more sought-after, “five-star” data has become critical to capitalizing on both worker quality and savings opportunities worldwide. Yet many organizations face a variety of data challenges that hamper their ability to gain a competitive edge in the battle for talent.

In “Leveraging Five-Star Data to Drive Massive Cost Savings,” you’ll learn about the increasing importance of quality data within human capital management and how it can drive significant program benefits. Topics include:

  • The complexity of hiring & managing contingent workers
  • Types of data needed for optimizing talent acquisition & workforce management
  • Avoiding common data collection pitfalls
  • Understanding the characteristics of five-star data (accurate, timely, comprehensive, unbiased & actionable)

Check out the white paper to learn how you can tap into five-star data to capitalize on both worker quality and savings opportunities around the globe.

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