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White Paper

Understanding Today’s Holistic Approach to Direct Sourcing

March 16 2022

The world of work is changing, with technology, the pandemic and a change in the balance of power – from employer to employee – accelerating existing trends. With skilled labor desperately needed in virtually every industry, organizations must change how they see, engage and manage contingent talent.

To help ensure contingent workforce program success, direct sourcing must increasingly complement other traditional sourcing channels as part of an overall human capital strategy. This paper explores the challenges and opportunities presented by the evolving practices around how organizations source talent directly. Topics include:

  • Implementing Intelligent candidate curation
  • Leveraging fast-evolving technology and predictive talent pooling
  • Using data to drive process efficiency and cost savings
  • Optimizing open position management and talent re-engagement

Download the white paper to learn how a data-driven, integrated direct sourcing solution introduces a holistic, in-depth process to the modern workforce that’s more refined, robust and cost-effective than traditional fragmented methods.

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