Benefits of Redeployment for Your Contingent Workforce

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Benefits of Redeployment for Your Contingent Workforce

Magnit | February 24 2023


Why Redeployment? Simply, it allows for the mitigation of the impacts of existing length-of-stay policies. Rather than extending a current worker engagement under the same manager, redeployment allows companies to retain key talent within their organization while still gaining the benefits of their existing length of stay policies.

By engaging existing workers under a new manager, a new job title, a new location, a new department, or a combination of all the above, the redeployed workers will be undertaking tasks that are meaningfully different from their current assignments. This allows companies to avoid talent migration while still effectively providing risk avoidance.

In today’s current talent shortage climate, staffing agencies are also willing to offer reduced markups which will drive cost savings in order to keep an existing worker on assignments anywhere, rather than have that worker off assignment and no longer adding value to the organization. Clients that utilize redeployment strategies are effectively taking advantage of the benefits of these lower mark ups and other cost reduction solutions. Quality, talent, cost savings are the key pillars of redeployment.

Key Benefits of Redeployment

  • Retain top talent and avoid talent migration
  • Utilize a known resource filling new needs
  • Eliminate onboarding costs
  • Reduce management costs that would otherwise be spent reviewing resumes, interviewing candidates, etc.
  • Reduce sourcing costs that happen when full time employee provide coverage (via overtime hours) while a contingent worker is sourced
  • Lower time-to-fill rates by using redeployment during workforce planning
  • LOS considerations including redeployment as a new / different engagement

Stats (US): Navigating a tight US labor market with redeployment strategies

  • 23% of an organization's contingent labor naturally rolls off assignment at any given time. This represents an untapped candidate pool for a tight labor market.
  • On avg there was an 83% reduction in time to fill across redeployed roles.
  • 15-20% cost savings achieved on avg per redeployed requisition
  • Typically workers start looking for their next assignment on avg 90 days before their current contract is up
  • 16.3% of workers end their assignments voluntarily 8 weeks before estimated start date because of new roles acquired. 7.2% within 4 weeks (graph below)
  • Aligning current workers skills to additional open opportunities lowers voluntary terms.

Stats (EMEA): Reengagement talent strategies are on the rise in Europe

  • Organizations engaging with previously contracted talent is common in Europe accounting for 5.4% of fills in 2022.
  • Reengagement is on the rise in recent months accounting for 7.0% of fills in January 2023.
  • Reengagement tends to fall across several skill profiles with warehouse workers/operators, IT support advisors, and customer service reps accounting for the top titles in the first half of 2022. While these titles are still very common, the second half of 2022 and first month of 2022 have also seen reengagements across Front End Developers and Cloud OpenStack Developers.

If you’re interested in learning more about how Magnit is helping organizations implement winning contingent workforce programs globally, please contact a Magnit representative at

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